TUESDAY, JULY 21, 10:00AM - 11:00AM CST

Webinar: The COVID crisis has exposed the inefficiencies of the “siloed” approach to workers’ compensation and employee benefits. Can it be fixed?

It is no secret that an employee’s overall mental and physical health has a direct impact on their performance. When analyzing health benefit claimants’ side-by-side with workers' compensation claimants, a disturbing trend soon emerges: approximately 20% of employees are driving 80% of the claim costs on both workers' compensation and group health as well as the dominant share of absent employees. Furthermore, 20% is predominantly made up of a company’s least healthy employees. 

Unfortunately, due to the traditional “siloed” separation between workers' compensation and group health, both sides are dealing with the same issue – yet there is no coordinated approach to address the problem.

Please join us as we explore the inefficiencies and expense associated with the current system while identifying strategies to help move your company and your employees beyond this costly structure.


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